After enduring the summer humidity and heat, it’s only natural to celebrate when fall rolls into town. And what’s more rewarding than a whole day full of food, drinks, art, and music at Spa Creek Wine & Arts Festival on September 3 from 1 to 7 p.m. There will be sixteen international and Maryland wines available for tasting, catered food for nibbling, rock music from area musicians, and fine art done by locals for viewing. In addition to the entertainment outside, there’s the chance for lucky and soon-to-be-lush guests to win bottles of wine. If you didn’t experience enough festivals or outdoor excitement this summer, Annapolis awards you one more chance: Spa Creek Wine & Arts Festival.
As mentioned above, the festival includes several components of entertainment: food, wine, music, art, and a wine pull. Food is provided by two stellar, well-seasoned (in both senses of the term) catering companies: Relysh, whose owner is from Annapolis, and Blackhouse Kitchen, from Baltimore. There will be pasta, fresh salads, wraps, and other delectable bites to sustain wine drinking all afternoon.
Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits supplies the wine and staff to educate festival attendees on wine making, wine pairing, and more. Wine is available for free tastings until 4 p.m. Attendees can purchase full glasses of wine for $5. Spa Creek Wine & Arts Festival isn’t able to sell bottles of wine. Besides, drinking amongst friends, food, music, and art is preferable to drinking at home anyway.
Although people differ in favorite wines, one thing is unanimous: wine pairs beautifully with music. Spa Creek Wine & Arts Festival provides several musical groups over the course of the festival. From 1 to 2 p.m., Rob Levit and Amy Shook perform jazzy/acoustic music. From 2 to 3:15, Anna & The Growlers play. From 3:15 to 5, listen to The Greenbeets rock jams. Lastly, The Rovers put a Celtic spin on rock music to round out the festival.
Wine tends to evoke deep conversations, true feelings, and the desire to experience something new. Discover and discuss fine art at the festival. Artists from Annapolis and nearby cities offer the best of what they accomplished for viewing and purchase. The artists represented at the Spa Creek Wine & Arts Festival include: Joan Brady, JaH-HaHa Collaborative Art, Integrity Wood Furniture & Accessories, Carolyn Councell, Laura Gallagher, Annette Cowdry, Ramon Matheu, Eric Roberge, James O’Neill, Kaeli Smith, and Andree Tullier. Several of these artists will also attend the festival to chat about their artistic process and drink wine with attendees.
It’s only appropriate to include a game centered around wine at the festival. This game, or wine pull, involves each participating guest to purchase wine hidden in a paper bag for $30. The donated wine bottles range in price from $12 to an upwards of $100. This means you could end up with a fancy wine from France that’s worth $300. You may wonder, “If the wine bottles are donated, why do I have to pay to participate?” Of course there’s a charity involved! All proceeds from the wine pull go to Kevin E. Reichardt Foundation and St. Mary’s Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment Fund. Essentially, the wine pull involves good wine and good causes.
Other important aspects include where to park, what to bring, and tickets. As the event takes place in the garden at Charles Carroll House, the closest parking is St. Mary’s parking lot. Downtown garages and parking on the street or at City Dock are options as well. Attendees should not bring food or drinks, as both are provided for purchase and tasting at the event. Limited tables and chairs are available at the festival, therefore it’s encouraged for guests to bring their own. Tickets for kids under 12 are free; tickets purchased in August are $20; tickets purchased at the door are $25. Because festival-goers are responsible and bring designated drivers, tickets are cheaper for those DDs–$10. Guests can order tickets online here: Winos unite on September 3–don’t miss it!
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