The remnants of Tropical Storm Nicole dumped over nine inches of rain in some areas of Annapolis. On the Weather Station this morning, eye witnesses submitted pictures of the flooded City Dock area. Trees were downed, power lost, and businesses scrambled to keep the water out.
For those of us who were in Annapolis for the flooding caused by Hurricane Isabel, the memory of waders and dogs wandering through the flooded streets is still very clear – I was one of them. Not yesterday. The town closed the flooded areas of downtown to pedestrians due to flooded sewer lines and manhole covers that were lifted off due to the rising water.
There were several road closings due to high water, downed power lines, and downed trees. Route 2 and parts of Route 50 were even closed at some points throughout the day.
As of this morning, all streets had reopened except for part of Prince George Street in the Historic District.
The Town of Annapolis handled the situation well from all reports. Mayor Josh Cohen and a group of dedicated employees manned the Emergency Operations Center watching weather and flooding projections until midnight when waters started to subside.
Health officials warn residents to stay out of local waters for a full week due to the possibility of bacterial contamination caused by the flooding. If you do come in contact with the water, wash thoroughly with soap and warm water immediately. Contaminated clothing should also be washed.
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