Daily Water Taxi Service Begins in Annapolis

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00May 13th, 2016|Annapolis Boating & Fishing, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis Things to Do, Boating, Tours|

Annapolis and Eastport’s favorite way to get around begins daily service! The Annapolis Water Taxi, owned and operated by Watermark, began weekend service in late April. Daily service and longer service hours for the 2016 season starts this Friday, May 13th. From May 14-30, the Water Taxi Service schedule is Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m.-11 p.m., [...]

Duden Named Leadership in Law Award Winner

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00March 28th, 2016|Annapolis News, Articles|

This week The Daily Record announced it has selected County Attorney Nancy Duden as a recipient of its 2016 Leadership in Law Award. “The citizens of Anne Arundel County are fortunate to have Nancy working for them every day,” said County Executive Steve Schuh. “Her wise and steady counsel has been an undeniable benefit to our administration and county [...]

Climate Change: A Few Degrees Less – Review

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00March 25th, 2016|Annapolis Film Festival|

Writer/Directors Alexis Barbier-Bouvet, Thierry Robert and Elena Sender’s documentary Climate Change: A Few Degrees Less centers on Jeffery Sach's and his goal to limit the rise in average global temperature to only 2 ° by 2050. To do this, Sachs has gathered a team of scientists and experts to strategize how the world might reduce [...]

Annapolis Film Festival talks, shorts and features

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00March 23rd, 2016|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Film Festival, Articles|

With Nimble Storage as the premier sponsor, the Festival has brought together an incredible  panel to talk about some of the latest innovations in technology that impact the film world. A big crowd is expected to join them in the Loews Atrium for breakfast and a lively discussion of these timely and increasingly important topics. [...]

Gary Jobson to be featured at AFF

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00March 21st, 2016|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Film Festival, Articles|

Local sailing celebrity Gary Jobson has two short films in this year's festival. The Magic and Mystery of Sable Island, About 200 miles southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, lies Sable Island, home to seals, wild horses, and a few Canadian researchers. With every storm the dunes and shorelines of Sable Island's 21-mile crescent shift, uncovering [...]

City of Annapolis Celebrates Maryland Day

By |2016-12-07T07:43:42-05:00March 18th, 2016|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Annapolis Mayor Michael Panetlides invites you to join the Maryland Day celebration by visiting 20 historic landmarks, streets, and points of interest during a 4.25 mile walk in Parole on Saturday, March 19. The City of Annapolis will kick off the “Walk Parole:Scavenger Hunt for History” with a special event at 9 a.m. on Saturday, [...]

County announces new tax credit

By |2016-12-07T07:43:45-05:00March 18th, 2016|Annapolis News, Articles|

Anne Arundel County today announced the launch of a newly created Historic Preservation Tax credit. “We are blessed to live in a county that is rich in history,” said County Executive Steve Schuh. “This tax credit will encourage our citizens to preserve the heritage that makes Anne Arundel County so special.” Applications are being accepted [...]

Annapolis Film Festival enters its fourth year

By |2016-05-17T05:42:03-04:00March 11th, 2016|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Film Festival, Annapolis News|

The 2016 Annapolis Film Festival arrives in style for its fourth year on Thursday, March 31, screening more than 70 independent films through Sunday, April 3. AFF's 2016 slate of films includes both documentary and narrative works, feature-length and short works, from 22 different countries. The Opening Night film will be screened at Mitscher Hall [...]

New bulk collection announced

By |2016-12-07T07:43:45-05:00March 9th, 2016|Annapolis News, Articles|

Annapolis Mayor Michael Pantelides announces bulk collection is now available to residents on their regular collection date, effective immediately. In the past, residents had to call and make an appointment for bulk collection. Now, the Department of Public Works (DPW) will collect bulk items along with trash and recycling.  DPW crews request that you limit [...]

Three countywide fee reductions passed

By |2016-05-17T05:43:47-04:00March 8th, 2016|Annapolis News, Articles|

The Anne Arundel County Council tonight approved County Executive Steve Schuh’s legislation to reduce and eliminate unnecessary fees on citizens and small businesses. “I thank the County Council for joining our effort to stop ‘nickel and diming’ the citizens of this county,” said Schuh. “We are committed to continuing our effort of rolling back unnecessary [...]

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