Renaissance Festival continues this weekend

By |2016-12-07T07:44:12-05:00September 29th, 2011|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis News, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

While it's been going on for a few weeks now, that's generally not a problem with the Maryland Renaissance Festival -- because each new day brings something different. "That's what's tough for me because I make recommendations to my family and to my friends but they never end up where I told them [...]

What to do in Annapolis this weekend

By |2016-12-07T07:44:12-05:00September 26th, 2011|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Boating & Fishing, Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis News, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Downtown Annapolis, USNA|

Boats boating and more boats. We can't contain it. We can't deny it so we're not even going to try. Sure, it doesn't start until Oct. 6 but it's never too early to get ahead of the curve. It is, however too early to get a reliable weather forecast so we're going to wing it [...]

Market House Information Center now Open to Visitors

By |2011-07-14T09:20:28-04:00July 14th, 2011|Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis News, Articles, Downtown Annapolis|

Visitors and area residents in search of helpful information about things-to-do and see in the Annapolis area and throughout the Chesapeake Bay are invited to check out the new Market House. The Annapolis and Anne Arundel County’s Visitor Beauru have formed a new satellite information center. Volunteer Information Specialists have been providing information and assistance [...]

Ride the Circulator starting July 1st

By |2011-07-05T09:36:28-04:00July 5th, 2011|Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis News, Articles, Downtown Annapolis, West Street|

The Annapolis Department of Transportation will provide a downtown shuttle service that moves individuals from the City’s 3 parking garages around the downtown areas where people shop, eat, work, and stay. This service called the Circulator and nicknamed the Loop, leverages existing transportation and parking resources to move the people with ease and efficiency while [...]

Thanks for Joining us at the Launch Party

By |2011-05-12T22:46:25-04:00May 12th, 2011|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis News, Articles|, in partnership with Westfield Annapolis, threw a party last week to celebrate the official launch of, the best online guide to the Annapolis area for residents and visitors alike. The Launch Party took place on May 6th at the Westfield Annapolis Mall. The event was a great way to get feedback from those [...]

Entrepreneur’s Exchange Welcomes New Members

By |2011-05-04T13:59:45-04:00May 4th, 2011|Annapolis News, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Uncategorized|

Entrepreneur's Exchange, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Annapolis, Maryland. Its mission is to provide encouragement, support, education, information exchange and marketing exposure to business owners or individuals with the entrepreneurial spirit. Upcoming events include a panel discussion on "Ensuring a Successful Transition of Your Business to the Next Generation," on May 18, from [...]

A Recap of the 29th Annual Croquet Match in Annapolis

By |2011-05-04T02:09:32-04:00May 4th, 2011|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis News, Articles|

For those of you who missed the April 30th, 2011 event, or are not yet familiar with this tradition, here’s a quick recap: The 29th Annual Croquet Match took place on Saturday, April 30th at 1 pm on the front lawn of the St. John’s College campus. Spectators were picnicking on the lawn, swing dancers [...]

Former Governor Schaefer Honored in Annapolis

By |2011-04-25T23:16:20-04:00April 25th, 2011|Annapolis News, Articles|

William Donald Schaefer, former Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland, lay in state at the State House in Annapolis today. A motorcade carried the flag-draped casket to the State House, where it was carried inside by an honor guard made up of representatives from the State Government's many agencies. Current Gov. Martin O'Malley led [...]

Naval Academy Professor Receives Award of Excellence

By |2011-04-18T18:25:38-04:00April 18th, 2011|Annapolis News, Articles, USNA|

Naval Academy political science professor Gale Mattox received the 2011 Civilian Faculty Service Excellence Award. Mattox joined the Political Science Department faculty in 1981, arriving when women had only recently been welcomed to the academy faculty and student body. Mattox immediately began mentoring and counseling female midshipmen – setting up lunches between female midshipmen and faculty [...]

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