In the quaint yet lively neighborhood of Eastport, there will be rockin’ in the streets on Saturday, June 22 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Not to say the streets of Eastport aren’t usually exciting thanks to great business like Leeward Cafe and the great people who reside in Eastport. However, all of Annapolis and perhaps even neighboring cities look forward to a music festival that comes right around this time of year. That’s right; it’s time again for Eastport a Rockin’! Never heard of this inexpensive, stress-free event? Prepare to read about one of the best parts of summer. Been to Eastport a Rockin’ before? Good; keep reading for this year’s details.
Before we get into the details, here’s a quick definition of Eastport a Rockin’: a huge music festival with over twenty-five groups spread throughout the day on three stages that border Second Street and Back Creek (the site of Annapolis Maritime Museum). Live music somehow requires food and drinks, so there will be plenty there too. It’s a $12 event if you pay in advance ($15 at the door) and is open to kids and dogs (who both get in free). The rockin’ happens outside all day. What more could you want?
As you may know, eating local, entertaining local, and listening to local music is a big deal, especially in Annapolis. At Eastport a Rockin’, the same philosophy holds true. On Second Street and dispersed around Annapolis Maritime Museum, you’ll find local vendors with cool desserts, iced coffee and non-caffeine drinks, hearty sandwiches, freshly caught seafood, and much more to sustain jamming all day long. The folks in charge of Eastport a Rockin’ ask you don’t bring outside food, drinks, or coolers into the festival. Beer is served on the premises for those at or above the legal drinking age.
As for the music there, tells of dozens of bands that will be in attendance: Loosey, Mission South, The Buzz, Tobias Russell, Pressing Strings, The Eastport Oyster Boys, Higher Hands, and more. This eclectic mix of music reaches most musical genres–bluegrass, folk, reggae, pop, and rock. The same site linked above provides a schedule for performances, with each group allotted forty-five minutes to wow. Another important thing to note: all the groups are local.
What’s a festival without cool souvenirs to purchase? Artisans selling their jewelry, apparel, crafty items, and artwork will be in attendance. In addition, you’ll find non-profit organizations and other local ones to keep you in the know. This translates to: bring cash.
As stated above, kids are welcome at the event, and even have an area dedicated to them. Face painting, henna tattoos, games, and the blow-up bouncy houses comprise the kid area.
Thus far, you know the time, the price, and the schedule. What you don’t know yet is the cause behind Eastport a Rockin’. The wonderful thing about this event is that the proceeds are divided amongst Annapolis area organizations, the Annapolis Maritime Museum included. You also must know the parking situation, which is, to say the very least, challenging. It is suggested you park in downtown Annapolis at a garage and walk to the festival. It’s about a twenty minute walk. Or, you could call up Chariots of Annapolis Pedicab (443-333-9770). This service takes people from Market House to Eastport and is hassle-free. The site provided above has several alternative parking options and can also answer any other questions. Get to rockin’ this Saturday!
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