St. John’s vs. USNA Croquet Match

St. John's College 60 College Ave, Annapolis, MD, United States

The traditional spring match of croquet between the United States Naval Academy and St. John's College will take place on Saturday, April 16, 2016.  This is the 34th Annual Croquet Match and along with the excitement of the match, there will be a lawn party with the exquisite sounds from the St. John's Freshman Chorus and swing music [...]

Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show

City Dock Annapolis, MD, United States

For 3 days at the City Dock in Historic Downtown Annapolis, almost 100 sailboats will be on display in the water and on land, including catamarans, mono-hulls, family cruisers, day sailors, and blue water sailboats. Because most sailboats are available for immediate sale, families can realize their dream of spending the summer on a new [...]

May Day in Annapolis

Downtown Annapolis, MD, United States

The beautiful historic city of Annapolis looks even more spectacular on May Day when homes and businesses decorate their doors with bouquets and baskets of fresh flowers. This years 60th Annual May Day Basket Competition will bring color and fragrance to the streets of Downtown Annapolis, and is not to be missed. Say hello to [...]

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