Things to do in Annapolis July 7-13

By |2016-12-07T07:43:47-05:00July 2nd, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Annapolis hosts live entertainment, a weekend of chocolate, and green happenings this week. Get out and explore your city! Annapolis Entertainment Everyone's favorite live band, USNA's Crabtowne Stompers, performs on Tuesday, July 8, at everyone's favorite venue--City Dock. This free performance is open to the whole family and those who enjoy New Orleans jazz music [...]

Things to do in Annapolis June 16-22

By |2016-12-07T07:43:47-05:00June 11th, 2014|Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis History, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Downtown Annapolis, Going Green Annapolis, Live Music, Towne Centre|

As the summer heats up in Annapolis, so do the events. Cruises, new performances, free concerts, art events, and community-wide entertainment all happen around the city this week. Partake in Annapolis's great tradition of fun this week. Annapolis Entertainment This week marks the last one of Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre's 42nd Street. The performance centers [...]

Things to do in Annapolis June 9-15

By |2016-12-07T07:43:47-05:00June 4th, 2014|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Boating & Fishing, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Going Green Annapolis, Live Music|

Between cruising with fido, rocking at Bands in the Sand, and taking dad out, this week in Annapolis is quite eventful. See what's offered and enjoy this week to the fullest. Annapolis Entertainment It's another week of entertaining live performances, starting off with 42nd Street, presented by Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre. Haven't caught the performance [...]

Things to do in Annapolis June 2-8

By |2014-05-28T14:53:55-04:00May 28th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

It's full-on summer here (at least the weather seems to think so) and the outdoor, carefree entertainment this week echoes this summertime feel. See the week's offerings and plan your fun. Annapolis Entertainment Maryland Avenue and State Circle proudly announce the return of their annual Irish Festival this Sunday, June 8. This festival brings children, [...]

Annapolis Summer Concerts: Free, Feasible, and Fun

By |2014-05-26T11:25:56-04:00May 26th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Eastport, Live Music, Towne Centre, USNA|

Summer is synonymous with freshly made lemonade, vibrant flowers, grilled burgers, and, here in Annapolis, outdoor summer concerts. This summer, like the last, heats up with music by local bands and singers to bring you full auditory enjoyment. Lucky for your summer gas budget, the concerts below are free. In addition, they're easy to find, [...]

Things to do in Annapolis May 26-June 1

By |2014-05-21T14:09:54-04:00May 21st, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

It's hard to live up to last week's entertainment of the beloved Blue Angels, but Annapolis hosts some fairly exciting and family friendly entertainment this week too. Peruse below and plan your week. Annapolis Entertainment The play by Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre, 42nd Street, continues this week. This performance focuses on a Broadway director hopeful [...]

Things to do in Annapolis May 19-25

By |2016-12-07T07:43:47-05:00May 14th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

This week is full of USNA and sailing events in celebration of Commissioning Week and Annapolis. Attend a cruise, watch the Blue Angels from downtown, or try a new musical performance this week. All are open to you! Annapolis Entertainment photo by This week hosts Commissioning Week activities in Annapolis, most notably, [...]

Things to do in Annapolis April 21-27

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00April 16th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Despite the freeze warning a bit ago, Annapolis spring-time traditions and entertainment are in full swing this week. Annapolis Entertainment Maryland Avenue comes alive this Sunday with their annual, much-anticipated Spring Festival, happening from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This outdoor event offers sales, food, live music, discounts, local vendors, and more. Kids and pets [...]

Things to do in Annapolis April 14-20

By |2014-04-09T08:36:22-04:00April 9th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Spring brings a wealth of entertainment that's family-friendly, affordable, and celebratory of Annapolis in all its charm and beauty. Peruse the entertainment offerings and plan accordingly. Annapolis Entertainment There is a big reason to be excited this week, particularly around April 19. Not ringing any bells? This date marks the start of Schooner Woodwind cruising [...]

USNA and St. John’s Face Off in the 32nd Annual Croquet Match

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00April 5th, 2014|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Tradition undergirds the 32nd annual croquet match between USNA and St. John's College. We're talking not only the tradition of the croquet match itself, but the tradition of Annapolis attending this free community event. We have the details of this once-a-year, family-friendly event below. What is it? For thirty-two years, students from both St. John's [...]

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