Things to do in Annapolis March 10-16

By |2014-03-04T20:53:15-05:00March 4th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

This week in March welcomes entertainment for opera lovers, live rock music enthusiasts, play goers, beer drinkers, and green go-getters. Get out and experience the best of Annapolis! Annapolis Entertainment The entertainment scene in Annapolis thrives thanks to the arts. One of the great venues, Compass Rose Theatre, opens a classic performance this week--Romeo and [...]

Things to do in Annapolis March 3-9

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00February 27th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Downtown Annapolis|

Annapolis Restaurant Week may be over, but that doesn't mean downtown community-invited events halt. For starters, there's the St. Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Annapolis. Additionally, walking tours, art auctions, choral performances, and much more are offered. Annapolis Entertainment One in the afternoon on a Sunday might typically translate to a quiet, lazy afternoon but [...]

Bay Bridge Boat Show Brings Family-Friendly Fun to Annapolis Area

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00February 26th, 2014|Annapolis Boating & Fishing, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Uncategorized|

If you're a boater, love boating, or simply love to participate in the aquatic hype, the Bay Bridge Boat Show coming in April is for you. The show is very similar to the Annapolis boat shows that happen in the fall, but is distinguished from the Annapolis shows as this one will have over 200 [...]

Annapolis Restaurants Serve Up Tasty, Affordable Brunch Options

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00February 19th, 2014|Articles|

Brunch is often an underrated, undervalued meal but for some Annapolis restaurants, brunch can be a star of the culinary show. To give you the best in brunch, we asked our FaceBook following about their favorite brunch spots. We briefly detail the delicious brunch options at WEST., Severn Inn, Red Red Winebar, Metropolitan Kitchen & [...]

Things to do in Annapolis February 24-March 2

By |2014-02-19T09:03:54-05:00February 19th, 2014|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis Restaurants & Bars, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Downtown Annapolis, Restaurant Specials|

If you've been around Annapolis long enough (and highly appreciate the local, fresh, delicious food here) you know there's one big thing that occurs this week: Annapolis Restaurant Week. Of course, this event may be the shining star but it's not the only event happening around town. Peruse the entertainment and other types of fun [...]

Annapolis-Area Musicians, The Walking Sticks, Perform at Metropolitan February 21

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00February 12th, 2014|Articles, Live Music, West Street|

Rewind to last June when The Westin hosted the Maryland Green Awards in conjunction with that month's Green Drinks. A young and vivacious yet cool group called The Walking Sticks played for the participants. Go back to the summer before that to Middleton Tavern's "Annapolis Unplugged" on Wednesday nights. The Walking Sticks were there too. [...]

Things to do in Annapolis February 17-23

By |2014-02-12T09:14:39-05:00February 12th, 2014|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

This week in Annapolis is a week of elegant ballets, lively musicals, and comedic plays. Of course, there are other events to enjoy as well, such as the kid-friendly Black History Month happenings and live music at your favorite Annapolitan venues. Annapolis Entertainment If we didn't know better, we'd assume the upcoming high-style, high-talent musical [...]

Things to do in Annapolis February 10-16

By |2016-12-07T07:43:49-05:00February 5th, 2014|Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

Enjoy live music, museum exhibits, Valentine's Day entertainment, and green events this week in Annapolis. Annapolis Entertainment February means three things in Annapolis: Valentine's activities, Black History Month entertainment, and Restaurant Week. Unfortunately, Restaurant Week is toward the end of the month, but we can enjoy Valentine's Day and some Black History Month happenings now. [...]

Annapolis Celebrates Black History Month with Entertainment in February 2014

By |2016-12-07T07:43:50-05:00January 28th, 2014|Articles, Black History Month|

This month, we celebrate many great things: Valentine's Day, Groundhog Day, President's Day, and even Flag Day. Whether you actively celebrate these holidays or simply accept them as part of the American framework, they exist on calendars. What about the unwritten holidays, though? Black History Month shares February with these above holidays. Annapolis may not [...]

Things to do in Annapolis February 3-9

By |2016-12-07T07:43:50-05:00January 27th, 2014|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

This week brings new live performances, crafting, racing, learning, and touring to the greater Annapolis area. Annapolis Entertainment USNA's Music Department wows again with a performance in the Alumni Hall for the "Distinguished Artist Series." Happening on Tuesday, February 4, the concert is by the Verein Orchestra. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are [...]

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