Things to Do in Annapolis in December

By |2016-12-07T07:44:16-05:00February 11th, 2011|Annapolis Restaurants & Bars, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Maryland Avenue|

December is a fantastic month to visit Annapolis, MD and indulge in a variety of seasonal activities and attractions. One can stroll along the thriving Annapolis Waterfront, search for unique gift items in the Maryland Street shopping district, or explore some of the city's famous museums or historical home sites dating back to the 1800s [...]

Things to do in Annapolis in March

By |2016-12-07T07:44:16-05:00February 11th, 2011|Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles|

When looking for things to do in Annapolis, you'll find Annapolis Maryland is the getaway for anyone seeking to vacation when March arrives. Experience American old world charm and find yourself on the doorstep of art, entertainment and shopping by staying in one of the many unique and affordable hotels situated on West Street, the [...]

Annapolis, Maryland Waterfront

By |2016-12-07T07:44:17-05:00February 4th, 2011|Annapolis Accommodations, Annapolis Activities & Events, Annapolis Day Trips, Annapolis Family & Children, Annapolis History, Annapolis Restaurants & Bars, Annapolis Shopping, Annapolis Things to Do, Articles, Downtown Annapolis, Uncategorized, USNA, West Street|

Annapolis Waterfront One of the most historic cities in the country is Annapolis Maryland. Annapolis, which was established in 1696, is the capital of the state. It is a vivacious city located on the Chesapeake Bay that is rich with history and colonial charm. It is a city full of mouth-watering cuisine, luxurious accommodations, and [...]

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