Trees are one of the quintessential symbols of going green. There are trees in our backyards, along Rowe Boulevard and Route 50, near Trader Joe’s, and dispersed throughout the city. So what? What impact do trees really make on the environment? Well, trees reduce energy use by providing shade, act as natural habitats for birds and small animals, and emit oxygen into the air. And, they provide aesthetic appeal and even the perfect outlet for a kid’s burst of energy. There’s a problem though: we need to see more green.

As is the case, the City of Annapolis has teamed up with Department Neighborhood and Environmental Programs (DNEP) to supply trees at discounted rates. Mayor Josh Cohen is behind the strategy in hopes to grow the urban tree canopy to 50% by 2036. The canopy number right now is 42%. Increasing the urban tree canopy is simple if we all participate.

Essentially, the goal is for city residents to purchase trees at the discounted rate and plant them on private property. To receive the discount on trees, you do have to be a resident of the city.

Here’s the breakdown:

1. Serviceberry trees, 1.75” in diameter, are for sale. These trees grow to about six feet and spread out ten feet. These are perfect for shrub borders or to cover up a gardening project went awry. You’ll enjoy watching birds eat the berries in the summer. This tree needs a mixture of full shade and partial shade. The cost is $80.

2. Riverbirch trees, six feet tall, are for sale at $49. These trees can grow to 70 feet and spread out 40 to 60 feet. These massive beauties work best with lots of space.

3. Redbud trees, 1.75” in diameter, are available. These trees grow to 20 feet and spread to 25 feet. The tree produces pink flowers in the spring. The surrounding soil should be moist and the area should offer full sun/light shade. This tree costs $85.

4. Swamp White Oak trees, 2” in diameter, are for sale, coming in at $90 a piece. These trees need shade and won’t dry out easily.

5. Hophornbeam trees, 1.75” in diameter, make great city plants. This tree likes full shade and partial shade. The cost is $86.

6. Sycamore trees, 1.75” in diameter, are available. These trees grow to 100 feet tall and spread to 80 feet. This tree loves the shade and moist soil. The cost is $61.

Adopting trees is just like adopting pets–they need a good home. Help the city, and ultimately, the environment, to increase in green health. The efforts are tremendous, city residents simply must agree and follow along.

There are two ways to get trees, which have to purchased before November 1. One, you can pick up the tree by contacting Jan van Zutphen at 410-263-7946. Or, you can order a tree online (hey, we order everything else online) through this site: If you go the second route, trees will be delivered on November 9. Contact van Zutphen for more information on this tree-mendous initiative.